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- Landscape | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo
Landscape Photography Choosing lenses for landscape photography is the same as having numerous paintbrushes for a painter. Lenses allow photographers to transform how a location or subject is portrayed. Depending on the lens you can have, wide-angle views, tight close-ups, the capacity to isolate subjects, and the option to keep everything in a scene in or out of focus. Particularly regarding landscape photography, lenses are one of the few means with which you can really impart personal vision into an image. Apart from lens choice affecting how you portray a setting in nature, landscape photographers also should be concerned with the practicality of such lenses they choose to work with. Remember, less is more, carrying a large selection of lenses for landscape photography is counterproductive and apart from the weight factors having too many lenses can waste time and confuse people. I carry four: Prime 25mm f1.7 lens Zoom 12-60mm f3.5-5.6 Prime 45mm f2.8 Zoom 45-200 f4.0-5.6 (rarely used, mainly to focus on a topic when I cannot get close enough) Zoom lenses are great for difficult topics, like a tree in a lake when you cannot get close enough, but prime lenses make you move about the landscape to compose a subject. Prime lenses make you think more, move in, move out, or perhaps change an angle. Focal length When considering a lens for landscape photography, the most common advice often suggests buying a wide-angle lens. Wide-angle lenses are suitable for landscape photography because of their extensive field of view and far-seeing depth of field, both desirable attributes for landscape photography. Wide-angle lenses allow you to fit an entire mountain in the background, or lake in the foreground of the frame, they can also be used to show a great deal of land, sea, sky, or forest. The extra depth of field they provide helps to ensure consistent sharp focus from foreground to background, which can be beneficial when photographing large expanses. Considering wide-angle lenses are the alleged standard for landscape applications, this must not deter a photographer from considering a normal (50mm, similar to human depth-of-field) or telephoto focal length for photographing landscapes. Occasionally, using a telephoto lens can provide a little extra reach for visual compression, thereby, creating interest in an image. Zoom or prime? The debate between zoom and prime lenses will continue, and the discussion is particularly ironic in the sphere of landscape photography. The merit of zoom is the ability to zoom into a landscape or topic when restricted to a specific location. Conversely, zooms can increase complacency or laziness when photographing an area, whereas prime lenses will force a motivated photographer to hike more, move about the area, searching for a more rewarding viewpoint to photograph the landscape. The image-quality differences between zoom and prime lenses are debatable, there are many high-quality zooms (at a cost), and there are high-quality prime lenses. Many wider focal length lenses are available in zoom format, like my zoom 12-60mm f3.5-5.6. It gives a little leeway in the composition, but it does not mean I will not walk about first to find the optimal spot for composition. It just helps to emphasize the tree in the lake, or a boulder with the evening glow of a sunset, rather than having it off in the distance. Of course, you will need a sturdy tripod, perhaps filters, or reflectors, so, their weight should be considered. I use a Bergan that carries two camera bodies, four lenses, an external monitor, filters, spare batteries, a large steady tripod, and an extra-long quick-release rail plate with spirit levels. Deciding between zoom or prime lenses depends on your own needs, such as the distance or access to walk around a subject, how much weight, how many lenses to be carried, and personal preference for focal length. Links: Long exposure landscape photography
- Computing | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo
Computing Ich habe schon früh gelernt, mit Computern umzugehen. Jetzt habe ich einen Doktortitel. In den Bereichen Computing, Softwareprogrammierung, Hardwarereparatur, Website-Design und arbeitete für einen großen Softwareentwickler und als leitender Computeringenieur. . Ich habe ein paar Maschinen, die hauptsächlich verwendet werden für: . Software-Design Programmierung E-Learning-Programme schreiben Meine Romane Web-Design Foto- und Videobearbeitung Sozialen Medien Mein erster Computer war das ZX Spectrum; Es war ein 8-Bit-Heimcomputer, der 1982 von Sinclair Research in Großbritannien veröffentlicht wurde. . Der Spectrum-Computer wurde in acht verschiedenen Modellen in Umlauf gebracht, von der Einstiegsklasse mit 16 KB RAM bis zum ZX Spectrum +3 mit 128 KB RAM und integriertem Diskettenlaufwerk. . Andere erste Heimcomputer, die sich an ein Mainstream-Publikum in Großbritannien richteten, waren: . Der Commodore 64 Drache 32 BBC Micro Amstrad CPC . Ich habe gelernt, mit den oben genannten Systemen in verschiedenen Computersprachen zu programmieren. . 1991 habe ich auf einen Microsoft-Computer mit Windows 3.0 migriert. Es war eine Verbesserung gegenüber den vorherigen Systemen, auf denen ich gelernt habe, aber Win 3.0 fehlten Multimedia- und Netzwerkfunktionen, sodass Win 3.0 schnell durch Win 3.1 ersetzt wurde und die Verbesserung des Erscheinungsbilds der Benutzeroberfläche immens war.
- RAID | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo
RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) is a group of hard drives, controller cards, and software to increase the reliability and redundancy of data storage on hard drives. RAID comes in multiple configurations, offering enhanced performance and/or better data reliability. Data is distributed across the drives in one of several ways called ‘RAID levels’, depending on the level of redundancy and performance required. RAID numbers are allocated according to the required protection or reliability level required, RAID-5 for example, is not representative of the number of drives involved. The most common RAID implementations are 0, -1, and 5 . RAID can be implemented with and without the ability to hot-swap a drive. RAID 0 - The data is written across multiple drives to improve access performance. There is no data redundancy. For example, a 4Meg file would be written across 4 drives in 1Meg pieces. Note that the failure of one drive will render the data inaccessible. The advantage is a much higher throughput. The RAID numbers are, click on each for its meaning: RAID 1 RAID 2 RAID 3 RAID 4 RAID 5 RAID 6 RAID 10 Almost all manufacturers provide a diverse of plug-in controllers that allow RAID execution. These controllers interface with SCSI drives and are available in ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) and PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) configurations, the highest throughput is via the PCI format. RAID support for IDE drives is not generally available. All SCSI drives can be used with a RAID controller, and different drive manufacturers' sizes and throughputs can be used on the same bus. Controller manufacturers provide additional information on expectations. RAID controllers can also act as generic drive controllers interfacing to CD, DVD, and Tape Drives and external accessories like Scanners. RAID drives either be permanently mounted in a chassis, mounted in external drive bays, or externally using Hot-swappable enclosures that each hard drive can be installed or removed without powering down the host computer. eSATA, FireWire, and USB are examples of interfaces that are hot-swappable on computers. Full RAID protection can be realised even in non-removable drive situations where the RAID system provides data protection and time to take the system off-line to replace a failed drive. This can certainly be a less expensive and potentially more reliable option in place of using expensive removable drive carriers.
- Types of Paint | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo
Types of Paint Acryl . Acrylfarben sind die am häufigsten verwendeten Farbtypen für Modellbausätze und Dioramen. Acrylfarbe ist einfach zu handhaben, da sie auf Wasser basiert, was bedeutet, dass sie mit Wasser verdünnt und gereinigt werden kann. Die Verwendung von Acrylverdünner oder Airbrush-Fließverbesserer liefert jedoch die besten Ergebnisse. Acrylfarben sind anfällig für Kratzer oder Flecken. Daher ist es wichtig, Ihre Modellbausätze mit einem Lack zu überziehen, um sie zu schützen. Je nach Temperatur trocknet die Acrylfarbe in ca. 20 Minuten und härtet innerhalb von 24 Stunden aus. Beim Airbrush trocknen Verdünner auf Alkoholbasis schneller als Wasser. . Vorteile Acryl auf Wasserbasis neigt dazu, schnell zu trocknen, hat einen vernachlässigbaren Geruch und kann leicht mit Wasser oder Verdünner gemischt werden. Wasser kann auch zum Reinigen von Bürsten sowie zum Entfernen einer Deckschicht verwendet werden, um Abplatzeffekte zu erzielen. Aufgrund der schnell trocknenden Zeit können während einer Modellierungssitzung viel mehr Anstriche aufgetragen werden, wodurch komplexere Bereiche wie Cockpits und Figuren verstärkt werden. Viele Hersteller stellen heute eine Vielzahl von Farbpaletten her, die so gestaltet sind, dass sie reale Farben nachbilden, die in vielen Ländern im Laufe der Geschichte verwendet wurden. Dies erleichtert die Herstellung einer Reihe von Modellen mit genauen Lackierungen und Oberflächen. . Heutzutage stellen viele Hersteller Acrylfarben her, die für Airbrush-Bürsten geeignet sind, wie z. B. Vallejo Model Air, MIG AMMO und AK Interactive. Airbrush-Acrylfarbe spricht viele Modellbauer an, da diese Farben in Innenräumen relativ sicher sind und wenig Geruch aufweisen. . Haftungsausschluss: Beim Airbrushing von Farbe wird dringend empfohlen, eine Spritzkabine und eine Gesichtsmaske / Atemschutzmaske zu verwenden, um sich vor der erzeugten Sprühwolke zu schützen. . Nachteile Acrylfarben benötigen aufgrund ihrer schnelleren Trocknungszeiten besondere Sorgfalt, um Pinselspuren am Modell zu vermeiden. Dies kann erreicht werden, indem mehrere dünne Schichten aufgetragen werden oder Ausgleichsverdünner, Trocknungsverzögerer oder Fließverbesserer verwendet werden, die auch beim Airbrushing von Acrylfarben verwendet werden können. Acrylfarben können auf ihrer Reise in der Airbrush, ihrer Spitze oder in der Luft austrocknen zum Modell. Die Umgebungstemperatur kann auch die Trocknungsaspekte beeinflussen. Das endgültige Finish wird von vielen Decklacken oder Lacken genannt. Dies schützt die Lackierung vor Beschädigungen, da einige Modellbausätze für Tabletop-Wargaming entwickelt wurden, das einer umfangreichen Handhabung und wiederholten Verwendung ausgesetzt ist. . Einige Marken von Acrylfarben können auf Alkohol basieren und einen süßen Geruch abgeben. Dies kann beim Bürsten zu Problemen führen, da die zweite oder dritte Schicht die vorherigen Farbschichten beeinträchtigen kann. Lack Lackfarben werden aufgrund ihrer Schwierigkeit und ihres Verwendungsrisikos am seltensten verwendet. Lackfarben sind die härtesten der drei Haupttypen und trocknen am schnellsten. Nach dem Trocknen sind Lackfarben extrem schwer zu entfernen, ohne den Kunststoff zu beschädigen. Von den dreien sind sie auch die giftigsten. Daher sollten sich Benutzer in einem gut belüfteten Bereich befinden und eine explosionsgeschützte Spritzkabine mit einem speziellen Lüftersystem verwenden. Außerdem sollten sie ein Atemschutzgerät, einen Augenschutz und Handschuhe tragen. Lackfarbe erfordert eine andere Art von Farbverdünner, die passend als Lackverdünner bezeichnet wird. . Beispiele für Lackfarben sind MrColor und MRP (MrPaint). Emaille . Emailfarben trocknen normalerweise zu einem harten, glänzenden Finish. Das Trocknen kann etwa 2-3 Stunden dauern, hat aber eine Aushärtezeit von 24-48 Stunden. Aus diesem Grund trocknet die Emailfarbe härter und ist daher kratzfester. Emailfarben sind giftiger als Acrylfarben, aber nicht so schlecht wie Lackfarben. Es wird für die Handmalerei verwendet, bei der das langsamere Trocknen der Farbe zusätzliche Zeit lässt, um die Pinselstriche selbst auszugleichen und zu verbergen. Emailfarben werden auch für Plattenwaschmittel empfohlen. . Beispiele für Emailfarben sind Tamiya Enamel, AK Interactive und MIG AMMO.
- Growing Orchids | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo
Growing Orchids Der erfolgreiche Anbau von Orchideen hängt von der Art des Klimas ab, in dem das Original heimisch ist. Die Reproduktion der Bedingungen, unter denen die Pflanze in ihrem natürlichen Zustand verwendet wird, ist entscheidend für den Erfolg. Hybriden sind jedoch anpassungsfähiger als ihre Eltern und tolerieren Bedingungen, die sich von denen ihrer Eltern unterscheiden. . Orchideen passen sich an eine von drei Zonen oder Temperaturbändern an, je nachdem, wo sie wachsen. Denken Sie daran, dass eine Orchidee zwar aus einem warmen Land stammt, aber möglicherweise in großer Höhe wächst und eine Temperatur benötigt, die niedriger ist als die, die normalerweise damit verbunden ist Teil der Welt. . Temperaturzonen Zonen werden als kühl, mittelschwer und warm bezeichnet. . . . . . . . Einige Hinweise auf die Temperaturzone einer Orchidee können aus den Blättern gewonnen werden - kühl wachsende Pflanzen haben dünne Blätter - wärmer liebende Orchideen haben dicke fleischige Blätter - natürlich gibt es Ausnahmen von dieser Regel, seien Sie also vorsichtig. Wenn ein Klima von Hitze und Kälte nicht ausreicht, muss auch Sonnenlicht berücksichtigt werden, das auf die Pflanze fällt. Im Allgemeinen benötigen die meisten Orchideen wie jede andere Lebensform Schatten vor direkter Sonneneinstrahlung und guter Luftzirkulation. Zu viel Licht verbrennt die Blätter zu einem gelben oder dunkelroten, zu wenig Licht führt zu dunkelgrünem Laub und keinen Blüten. Im Frühling und Sommer sind mindestens 60% Schatten erforderlich, bei klarem und warmem Wetter möglicherweise sogar bis zum Herbst.
- HTML | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo
HTML HTML is not a programming language, denoting it does not have the ability to create dynamic functionality. As an alternative, it makes it possible to organize and format documents, comparably like Microsoft Word. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and it permits users to create and structure sections, paragraphs, headings, links, and block-quotes for web pages and applications. When working with HTML, simple code structures (tags and attributes) to mark up a website page are used. An example being the creation of a paragraph by placing the enclosed text within a starting and closing tags. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard Markup Language for documents designed to be displayed in web browsers and can be helped by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages such as JavaScript. Web browsers receive HTML documents from a web server or from local storage then render the documents into multimedia web pages. An example is: < !DOCTYPE html > < html > < head > < title > Page Title < /title > < /head > < body > < h1 > Heading of website < /h1 > < p > First paragraph used in site < /p > < /body > < /html > So, what does it mean? < !DOCTYPE html > declaration defines this document as an HTML5 document. < html > element is the root part of an HTML page. < head > portion contains meta information about the HTML page. < title > section specifies a title for the HTML page - used to name the 'Title' of your page. < body > element defines the document's body and is a container for all the visible contents - this is where you put your headings, paragraphs, images, hyperlinks, tables, and lists. < h1 > part defines a large heading. < p > section defines a paragraph/s the text written on this page is written in this section between the <> . <> is known as 'Tags', there is a 'Start Tag' and an 'End Tag', data is written between them and If you can right-click a web page and click on 'View Source' to see how HTML aspects of that page. HTML tags are like keywords that define that how a web browser will format and display its content. Using tags web browsers can distinguish between HTML and its content. HTML tags contain three main parts: Start (opening) tag. Content. End (finishing) tag. When web browsers read HTML documents it reads them from top to bottom and left to right. HTML tags are used to create HTML documents and render their properties and each HTML tag has different properties depending on its function. An HTML file must have some essential tags so that the web browser can differentiate between simple text and HTML text. You can use as many tags as you want as per your code requirement.
- Paint | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo
Paint Das Malen eines Modellbausatzes ist ein grundlegender Aspekt des Modellbaus, und die Art der verwendeten Farbe ist eine persönliche Präferenz. Also, welche Farbe benutzt du? Für mich stellen Modellbausätze nicht nur das Modell zusammen. Ich verwende hauptsächlich eine Auswahl von Airbrush-Bürsten, verwende jedoch Handbürsttechniken für feine Details und Verwitterung. . Die Auswahl eines Farbtyps hat Vor- und Nachteile. Ich verwende Acryl- , Lack- , Öl- und gelegentlich Emailfarben . . Die häufigsten Hersteller von Farben, die ich verwende, sind: . Vallejo - AK Interactive - MIG AMMO - MSP (Master Series Paint) - Games Workshop - Golden - Warcolours - Missionsmodelle - MRP (MrPaint) (Lackfarbe) - Lifecolor - militär- Abteilung (Acryl- und Ölfarbe) - Colour Standards provide a reference point industry can trust when measuring colour in military colouring and camouflage, national and company transport, paint manufacturers, and hobby enthusiasts, particularly those who build models of a certain period, armies, transport, or wars. Colour standards can be applied to numerous purposes, and range from ultraviolet, visible, to infrared, wavelength ranges of 300 - 800nm. Besides colour, the next obvious feature of a colour standard is its surface property, these range from high gloss, mid-gloss to matte. One can often see if the light is reflected or diffused on a matte surface. The reflected light is specular light, this leaves the surface at an equal and opposite angle to that of the incident light. However, the colour of many materials is not specular light, so to measure the colour of a standard, one needs to ignore the specular light and concentrate on the diffuse light measurement to fathom the colour of the standard. Even today, not all paint is equal, paint is produced by a multitude of manufacturers in numerous countries colour, quality and various paint colour standards are used. Many manufacturers provide colour conversion charts and in most cases these are fine. But if like me, you may use many paint manufacturers finding the right paint colour conversion can be time-consuming. So, I started to design a database to store the colours I mostly use. When a new colour materialises, I add it to the database. I also add the standard codes used by some areas to define paint colours into the database: This manufacturer paint conversion document is not yet complete, but it is constantly being updated:. Click on the button to download the database: The standard codes used by some areas to define paint colours into the database: RAL – European colour matching standard that defines paint colours, plastics, and coatings colours. RAL is administrated by the RAL Deutsches Institut für Gütesicherung und Kennzeichnung, it is the abbreviation of ‘ R eichs- A usschuß für L ieferbedingungen und Gütesicherung’. Which means, ‘National Commission for Quality Assurance and Labelling’. FS - F ederal S tandard is the colour description and communication system developed by the United States government in 1956. Its roots began in World War II when a problem was highlighted, that of providing exact colour specifications to military equipment subcontractors in different parts of the world became a matter of importance. But in 1991, Urban Fredriksson’s Colour Reference Charts were first published, which soon became the 'de facto standard * ’ for communicating colour data between historical camouflage colour researchers and modelling enthusiasts to determine the correct colours for model paints throughout the world. Known as 595a/595B, often abbreviated as ‘FED-STD-595B’ as they have no official names. RLM - The State Ministry of Aviation ‘ R eichs L uftfahrt M inisterium’, defined the colours used by the Luftwaffe. They established a standard for colour shades, their production, and applications. There were directives, but other regulations, some of which had been established before the formation of the RLM itself in 1933, limited the number of colours available and fortified production from pigments obtainable within Germany. The paint was supplied by several companies and even though aircraft manufacturers could choose what commercial products to purchase, they had to adhere to specific uniform standards, characterised by the Farbtontafel and later by individual paint imperfections. Following is a list of RLM (Reichsluftfahrt Ministerium) paint designations used by the German Ministry of Aviation from 1933 through 1945. ANA - A rmy- N avy A eronautical Paint Colours were used by the US Federal Government from 1943 through to 1970 to standardize colours for aircraft manufactured by the American aircraft industry. But the ANA standard was abandoned in 1970 when the colour standards were transferred to the Federal Standard 595A. BS - B ritish S tandards for colours are the United Kingdom standard for colours, it is amalgamated under the Royal Charter ‘National Standards Body’. British Standards exist to guarantee the level of quality and consistency. BS 4800 is the standard range of colours for paints, created by the British Colour Council. and is used mainly in construction and interior decoration. A colour’s name may change, but its number is constant. In 1930 the ‘British Colour Council’ came into being, its core objective was organising a standard code for colours to maintain clarity. *The term de facto standard is used in contrast with obligatory standards known as ‘de jure standards’, or to express a dominant voluntary standard when there are many standards accessible for the same use.
- Wireless Network | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo
Wireless Network System Wireless LANs WLAN technologies tend to follow one of the three Wi-Fi communication standards and the advantages of wireless networking depend on the standard employed: 802.11b - was the first standard to be used in WLANs. 802.11a - the standard is faster but was more expensive than the 802.11b, because of this it was used in business networks, but it is now widely used in the public sector. The 802.11g, endeavored to combine the best of both 802.11a and 802.11b. The latest in Wi-Fi technology is the 802.11ac. 802.11ac connectivity, makes previous standards look like snails and makes the aggravation from slow connection speeds and load times a thing of the past. The latest in Wi-Fi technology is the 802.11ad. 802.11ad connectivity, makes previous standards look like snails and makes the aggravation from slow connection speeds and load times a thing of the past. The 802.11ad pushes routers, computers, servers, and printers in your home network into the next level. Because of this, an entire family can use an incredible amount of data without impacting anyone else on the network. List of standards: 802.11-1997 (802.11 legacy) 802.11a 802.11b 802.11g 802.11-2007 802.11n 802.11-2012 802.11ac 802.11ad Installation Wi-Fi networks can be configured in two different ways: The Ad hoc approach allows wireless devices to communicate in a peer-to-peer manner. The infrastructure method allows wireless devices to communicate with a central connection that in turn communicates with wired connections on that LAN. Most LANs require an infrastructure method to access the Internet, a printer, or other wired items, whereas Ad hoc mode only supports basic file sharing between the wireless devices. Both Wi-Fi approaches require a wireless network adapter/s, sometimes called WLAN cards. Infrastructure mode WLANs also need a central device called the access point. The access point must be installed in a location where wireless signals can reach it with minimal interference. Although Wi-Fi signals typically reach 100 feet (30 m) or more depending on your router, obstructions like walls can greatly reduce their range, especially in an old Victorian house like mine where the walls are three feet thick. Cost Most routers are wireless compatible so cost somewhat less than wired Ethernet products and most internet providers provide the router, filter, and a CAT 45 cable as part of the service. These days costs are minimal for a wireless network. Reliability Wireless LANs suffer more reliability problems than wired LANs, nevertheless, perhaps not enough to be a significant concern. Older 802.11b and 802.11g wireless signals were subject to interference from home appliances including: Microwave ovens Cordless telephones Electronic garage doors Fridges But with the newer standards, this has all but disappeared. I will discuss setting up a wireless network later, along with port-forwarding so that you can login to your server, computer, or printer when away from home. Port-forwarding can be a challenge, so I will go through it in detail. Performance These days the performance of Wireless LANs is great compared with the older 802.11b, 802.11a, and 802.11g WLANs. But Wireless systems are not as fast as their wired counterparts. Additionally, Wi-Fi performance is distance sensitive, meaning that maximum performance will degrade on a computer farther away from the access point and the more wireless devices used the WLAN performance degrades more. Nowadays, the Wireless option is more than adequate for a home Internet connection for sharing files, printing, gaming, and media downloads and connecting additional devices like the iPhone and iPad. Security Wireless LANs are less secure than wired LANs because wireless communication signals travel through the air and can be intercepted. Many people have been through the courts for hacking into on to un-secure Wireless networks while out in their cars or sitting on a park bench. Known as war-driving it involves traveling through a residential area with their Wi-Fi equipment scanning the airwaves for unprotected WLANs. So, beware! I cannot emphasize enough to set your Wireless network up securely, using the firewall and strong passwords. Using the Privacy (WEP) encryption standard WLANs improves security greatly, but not as wired networks. However, no computer network is completely secure, and you should ensure: Home is Internet firewall is properly configured. Household is acquainted with the danger of Internet ‘spoof emails’ and how to recognise them. Household is aware of ‘spyware’ and how to avoid it. Use anti-virus software and keep it updated. To help protect your computer from Intrusion, Trojans, and Viruses you will need antivirus and firewall software installed on your computer. I use ESET and Malwarebytes, there are free alternatives, but I find the free options significantly less secure and reliable. Nearly all the infected computers I worked on in the industry had free versions and the removal of the risk and preventing data loss always cost more than purchasing the paid anti-virus and malware software combined. Although Broadband routers have firewalls installed, these are not reliable so do not rely on this alone to protect your computers. KEEP the antivirus and malware software updated on a regular basis, as new threats come onto the web daily.